Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012
1): periode setelah mitosis, gen-gen aktif berekspresi
(sintesis): fase sintesis DNA (replikasi), kromosom ® dua kromatid
G2 (gap
2): setelah S, terjadi aktifitas gen-gen untuk mengontrol pembentukan
protein/ enzim untuk keperluan mitosis
G0: fase istirahat, dormant (contoh: sel otot,
sel darah merah)
Dalam kultur sel tertentu, G1:
16-24 jam, M: 1-2 jam. Terdapat variasi yang besar dalam lamanya siklus sel
Pembelahan sel somatis ® 2 anak sel yang mengandung
jumlah kromosom/ materi hereditas yang sama atau identik.
- Mengganti sel-sel yang rusak/ regenerasi
- Perkembangan dari satu sel menjadi banyak
- Membentuk individu baru (reproduksi sel baru) pada individu bersel tunggal
Secara umum,
pembelahan sel terbagi menjadi 2 tahap, yaitu: Kariokinesis dan sitokinesis
Membran inti mulai hilang
Nukleolus (anak inti) mulai hilang
Kromosom terlihat tebal dan panjang (terdiri
dari 2 kromatid)
Di sitoplasma terdapat sentriol yang membelah
menjadi 2 dan bergerak ke arah kutub yang berlawanan, terbentuk benang spindel
Games-based learning

island in the middle of the Atlantic. The idea was the brain-child of teacher Rodriguez Desai who wanted the children he was teaching to improve their ability to learn in a more relaxed way. He also wanted them to have the opportunity to socialise with pupils from other schools. He noticed that, in the early 1990s, boys in particular brought hand-held games consoles into school as part of the end of term activities. These boys were not very highly motivated in class and were thought to be of lower than average ability. When Rodriguez began to watch these 'failing' boys he was amazed. He realised that the skills needed to play these hand-held games included high-level, intelligent reasoning.
The boys had to analyse situations, develop strategies for dealing with the
problems, solve the problems and work with one another to gain the best outcome. Rodriguez began
to understand that learning to play computer games could actually benefit all kinds of learners. He
started to think about the best ways he could use them to teach pupils who were not normally keen
on traditional school work.
between the two. Over time this has turned into a rapidly expanding world-wide tourist activity –
swimming with dolphins. The chance to see dolphins in the wild is often a lifetime dream for many
people, but few consider the implications of actually swimming with these animals.
The ‘swim-with-dolphins’ tourist industry is becoming more popular every year and tour operators are
always on the lookout to give their tourist swimmers the best experience they can. After all, it can cost
a large amount of money to have this kind of holiday experience. So tour operators try to place eager
swimmers as near as possible to the dolphins by trying to predict where the dolphins will be. The
swimmers usually enter the water from the back of a stationary boat and swim freely in the water.
Research has shown that while dolphins can move away if they do not want to interact with human
swimmers, they do not like it at all if the swimmers slip into the water directly on top of them or if
humans are in their path of travel. However, if swimmers enter the water to one side of them, the
dolphins do not avoid the swimmers to the same extent. This possibly seems like less threatening
behaviour to them.
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